Begging, Editing, Writing, & Ideas

That’s right, I am in several different phases on several different projects at the moment. You know how much I love to be busy. Well, we’re in a holding pattern on the move right now as we wait for our house to sell, so what better time to go crazy on my writing, right? (Actually, the timing on all of this just sort of worked out this way.) Here’s what’s going on:


Blue Violet CoverI  am mid-process of begging for reviews for Blue Violet. The Svatura series is on track for their combined release (all 4 books coming in October!). I’m taking this opportunity to request reviews from folks who haven’t read this series yet. The begging emails have all gone out. This time, I sent out more than usual, because many of the reviewers who I would typically ask have already read/reviewed the book, so I’m searching for new reviewers (which I really should have been doing a better job with each book anyway). I’m also preparing for all the marketing endeavors including blog tours and a Facebook party. I’m determined the marketing plan for the release will be done by this weekend. More to come on those!


Mary and the TWRP team and I are wrapping up the final prep processes on the last of the Svatura books. At this point, the editing is done and it’s the final checks time. So not too much on my end left to do. In the meantime, Tieryn’s Fury (Shadowcat Nation #3) is on Lill’s desk for editing, so I’m waiting to get the next round back from her on that one.


Sarai's Fortune (Shadowcat Nation #2) Book CoverI’m finally getting some momentum on Seneca’s Faith (Shadowcat Nation #4). I had to rewrite the first chapter (a couple times) because my two main characters were having a hard time communicating – they were too distant. But we’ve fixed that to my satisfaction. Just had to have a little chat with them. In addition, I decided my hero had a vital piece of information that impacts his reactions to, well, everything, from the start. But I’m off and running with a goal to get the first draft done by end of October. I’m hitting that obsessive phase where I have a hard time putting down my computer. 🙂


I don’t know if I’m just not sleeping well lately or what, but I keep having these crazy dreams where I wake up and think, “That would be an awesome book!” Which means that I now have way too many ideas and way too little time. After I finish Seneca’s Faith I’ll have to decide if I want to start on the spin-off series I’m thinking about, or another Svatura book or perhaps a set of short stories, or one of these new ideas which include a ghost hunter, more dragons but set at a school, and a fantasy take on an old classic. What to do? What to do? I’ll wait and go with what I’m most excited about when I finish Seneca. In the meantime, I’m writing all these ideas down.

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