
Knife Throwing Research – Sarai’s Fortune

With each book I've written - particularly for the Shadowcat Nation series - I've given a character a skill set in some kind of fighting skill. Which means researching said fighting skill. With Andromeda's Fall it was general hand to hand combat - particularly Krav Maga. For Sarai's Fortune one of my characters (no I... Continue Reading →

Blue Violet – A New Beginning

Blue Violet is the first book of my Svatura series of books. I originally self-published it along with the other three books of the series. In January I contracted the series with The Wild Rose Press. The past few months I've been working on the book with my editor, Mary. No major/huge changes (for my... Continue Reading →

Sarai’s Fortune Release!!!

Paranormal Romance Zac Montclair's first priority is to protect his people. With the escalating war between factions of shifters over land and resources, he has agreed to an alliance between his polar bears and the Shadowcat Nation of cougar shifters. But the treaty comes with a condition…he must accept one of their Seers into his... Continue Reading →

Sarai Bouchard – Waif or Spunky Kid?

Sarai Bouchard is the heorine of Sarai's Fortune, the second book in the Shadowcat Nation series. Sarai was introduced--briefly--in Andromeda's Fall as one of the few Kuharte (shifters with additional supernatural powers). She is a Seer. She's in some kind of trouble. That's all we know now.

Facebook Party Special Guest Author: Neely Powell

I'd like to introduce you to Neely Powell, one of the terrific special guest authors who will be popping in to share during my Facebook party May 15th! Neely Powell is the awesome paranormal romance collaboration team of Leigh Neely and Jan Powell. They are also fellow Wild Rose Press authors!

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