Favorite Hero Archetypes

I write romance, which means I come across similar character archetypes regularly. The fun part of these as an author is taking something well-known and putting my own fun spin on it. The fun part of these as a reader is having my favorite archetypes to read. I'm drawn to certain archetypes more than others.... Continue Reading →

14 Signs of Great Romance

As a romance author, the entire point of my books is to create a romance between two (fictional) people which ends happily ever after. But what does a great romance look like? Romance and all things romantic can be different for different people. Some think of romance as gifts and dinners. Some think of it... Continue Reading →

Perfect Is Boring

As romance readers and writers we can easily fall into the trap of perfect. This is, after all, fiction and involves a certain amount (some romance books more than others) of fantasy. If you could fantasize your perfect guy and put him on paper what characteristics would you include? Most, including me, would probably describe... Continue Reading →

Editing Technique: Ask Questions

I received comments back from a new beta reader for me the other day, and something she did really struck home. She asked questions! Lots of them. It occurred to me that this was a fabulous technique which filled a personal gap for me in terms of my writing. I am not naturally a questioner,... Continue Reading →

Adding Character to a Scene in Layers

I consider myself to be a character driven writer. The tricky part with writing side characters is giving them a voice without letting them take over the page, but at the same time not letting them just be place holders or extras in the scene. Even harder, I find, is writing a cast of characters and... Continue Reading →

Going Overboard with Deep POV

Im going to take a moment for a mini-rant today about deep POV. For those who dont know, I define Deep POV as this: when you are writing a character you are as deep into their point of view (POV) as you can get, trying to express their reactions, thoughts, feelings, and experiences (sensory or... Continue Reading →

My Top 10 Princess Bride Quotes

Guest Post Re-Post: Originally posted 6/23/2014 on Boom Baby Reviews as a guest post - part of my Black Orchid blog tour organized by Masquerade Crew. *** The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies of all time – second only to Star Wars IV. In Black Orchid I had a lot of fun incorporating quotes from... Continue Reading →

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