The Protector Cupcakes

Nailed It - Author Home Addition... For my new releases, I've started making "character cupcakes"! This week, I made up my own cupcakes to represent the hero and heroine from my book, The Protector - meet Lyndi Chandali & Levi Rowtag! These cupcakes are lemon cupcakes with strawberry buttercream frosting. Why those combinations, you ask?... Continue Reading →

Publishing Routes | Pros & Cons

As a hybrid author, I get asked a lot about self-publishing vs. traditional publishing. I absolutely LOVE both. I have LOVED every single editor and publisher I've worked with so far, both self-pub'd and traditionally pub'd. I've been lucky, I think, that I haven't really had a bad experience with either (because I've heard stories).... Continue Reading →

Top 5 On My Bucket List

We all have one (or we should). A bucket list. That list of things we want to do/experience/accomplish before we kick the bucket. I love the idea of a bucket list because it means that, right up to the end, you never stop trying new things or looking for new experiences. I was lucky enough... Continue Reading →

Sometimes It’s All About Scheduling

Between deadlines, releases, running AOAD, my gig as a VPA, and momming, I've had several author friends ask how I do it. How do I keep on top of everything? First of all...I don't. I am not superwoman or a magician. Things fall through the cracks on a regular basis. Plans don't work out the... Continue Reading →

Author Marketing – Sharing What I’ve Tried

My publisher, Wild Rose Press, holds a chat every Tuesday evening covering various topics for writers. This week we talked about various aspects of marketing a new release. This chat came on the heels of a separate conversation I had with a fellow local RWA chapter member on marketing and FB promotions. At the same... Continue Reading →

A Look Back

In August of 2012 I self-published my first book, Blue Violet. I had written the first draft three years prior and then just sat on it. But in May of 2012 I found my editor (now beta reader and friend) Wendy and we started editing. I was in the middle of my MBA and working... Continue Reading →

My Journey to Becoming an Author

My daughter, who is three, has an amazing imagination. Her favorite form of play involves making up stories for whatever toys she's playing with. My dad said that she sounds like a budding author, and maybe he's right. But thinking back, oddly, I never played that way. I was more of an outdoor girl. My... Continue Reading →

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